SGBC-BCA Zero Capital Partnership Scheme
The energy performance of buildings in Singapore is published annually by BCA to allow building owners to benchmark their buildings’ energy performance against similar building types and to take the necessary steps to improve energy performance. Substantial cost savings can be reaped from the greening of existing buildings that have been in operation for some time. The implementation of energy retrofits and energy efficiency projects however, often requires capital investment and technical expertise, which may be a challenge to some building owners, particularly strata-titled and independent or corporate owners of smaller buildings.
The SGBC-BCA Zero Capital Partnership (ZCP) scheme addresses these critical concerns by providing the building owner with the expertise of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) firms accredited under the Singapore Green Building Services certification scheme. The EPC firm serves as a one-stop solution for both minor and major retrofit options, and has been assessed to be able to offer financing options as well as to facilitate the application of incentive schemes to fund the retrofit works.
Through the ZCP scheme, building owners can have the confidence to work with a proven EPC firm to achieve greater energy efficiency with zero capital outlay.
Scope of Work
In May 2016, the ZCP scheme was launched to address chiller plant retrofits, followed by air-conditioning system maintenance. In September 2017, the scheme was expanded to also cover lighting retrofits in recognition that lighting is the second largest contributor to energy consumption in buildings.
Firms listed under the ZCP scheme will be able to assist building owners in the following ways:
- Conduct an energy audit and propose retrofit and optimisation solutions.
- Arrange for financing of the retrofit works and/or assist building owners to tap into incentive schemes to obtain relevant grants
- Apply for and facilitate the assessment process for Green Mark certification
Incentive Schemes
The following grants are currently available for building owners who undertake energy retrofit projects to improve energy efficiency:
- Green Mark Incentive Scheme for Existing Buildings 2.0 (GMIS-EB 2.0)
Interested building owners may approach any of the firms participating in the SGBC-BCA Zero Capital Partnership Scheme by visiting the SGBS Directory of Certified Services, selecting the relevant category and clicking on the ZCP filter. Click here to access the Directory.
Energy Services firms that are keen to be listed on the ZCP directory may find out more by reviewing information on the Singapore Green Building Services certification scheme and Energy Performance Contracting.
The energy performance of buildings in Singapore is published annually by BCA to allow building owners to benchmark their buildings’ energy performance against similar building types and to take the necessary steps to improve energy performance. Substantial cost savings can be reaped from the greening of existing buildings that have been in operation for some time. The implementation of energy retrofits and energy efficiency projects however, often requires capital investment and technical expertise, which may be a challenge to some building owners, particularly strata-titled and independent or corporate owners of smaller buildings.
The SGBC-BCA Zero Capital Partnership (ZCP) scheme addresses these critical concerns by providing the building owner with the expertise of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) firms accredited under the Singapore Green Building Services certification scheme. The EPC firm serves as a one-stop solution for both minor and major retrofit options, and has been assessed to be able to offer financing options as well as to facilitate the application of incentive schemes to fund the retrofit works.
Through the ZCP scheme, building owners can have the confidence to work with a proven EPC firm to achieve greater energy efficiency with zero capital outlay.