Singapore Green Building Product Certification

Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) is a certification for green building products and materials. It is based on scientific and engineering principles and built upon the collective knowledge and expertise of the building and construction industry

The SGBP certification scheme advances the built environment to one that is greener and more carbon-efficient while facilitating sustainable procurement. The certification ensures that sustainability is integrated throughout the design and manufacturing process of products.

Aligned with the World Green Building Council’s vision of green buildings for everyone, everywhere, the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) aims to make the spaces we live, work and play in healthier, more sustainable, and more resource-efficient. In order to advance Singapore’s built environment to one that is greener and more carbon efficient, SGBC administers the Singapore Green Building Product (SGBP) certification scheme to recognise green building products and facilitate sustainable procurement.

The SGBP certification scheme is developed based on scientific and engineering principles that is built upon the collective knowledge and expertise of the building and construction industry. The scheme advances the built environment to one that is greener and more carbon-efficient while facilitating sustainable procurement. It helps to ensure that sustainability targets are met while providing transparency and credibility to the products we choose to use when building green into spaces and places.

The SGBP certification scheme is one of the key standards and benchmarks for green building products in the building and construction industry. Products and materials certified by the SGBP are highly recognised under the Green Mark Scheme, Singapore’s national green building rating tool administered by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), which allows certified products to accrue points that count towards a project’s Green Mark rating. The more highly rated a product is under the SGBP Scheme (i.e., the more ticks it has achieved), the more points are awarded towards the Green Mark rating.

SGBP Certification Scheme is also widely accepted by regional green building rating tools for its coverage of product’s sustainability performance. Examples include GreenRE, a rating tool set up by the Real Estate & Housing Developments’ Association (REHDA) of Malaysia, and LOTUS, Vietnam Green Building Council’s rating tool. The SGBP complies with many of the requirements in ISO 14024 Environmental labels and declarations — Type I environmental labelling.
SGBC is always working to improve our SGBP’s quality and usability. The SGBP Certification Scheme is similar to internationally leading eco-labels, such as Cradle2Cradle, DECLARE, Global Green Tag, Good Environmental Choice Australia, Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute. Future versions of the SGBP may provide additional recognition for products that excel in addressing social issues, circular economy, and low embodied carbon, and reorganise the Scheme’s governance to allow for products certified under our Scheme to be recognised under other eco-labels.

For Product Suppliers:

  • Analysis of your product’s sustainability performance by experts and certification by a credible source
  • Opportunity and insight into how to further develop your products to be more sustainable
  • Greater awareness of your product for use in our current and future buildings

For Designers/ Specifiers:

  • An overview of products that are certified sustainable
  • An understanding of how a product stacks up against others in terms of their sustainability performance
  • Easier decision-making when choosing more sustainable products

For Builders/ Owners:

  • An overview of products that are certified sustainable
  • Data around the environmental properties of the products you use
  • A unique selling point for your building projects

For Tenants/ Occupants:

  • An understanding of how sustainable the spaces you live and work in are
  • Health benefits of living/working in a greener building

For more details, download the SGBS Brochure here or contact the SGBC’s Certification team at Email: [email protected] or Tel:+65 6732 5518.

Video explainer on theSGBP