SG Building Carbon Calculator


The Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) is a web-based embodied carbon calculator designed for Singapore’s built environment. It is developed by JTC Corporation in collaboration with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC).

The web-based application builds on the previous Building Embodied Carbon Calculator (BECC), which was available since May 2022 as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet was developed by the NUS Energy Studies Institute (ESI) under a project commissioned by JTC Corporation in collaboration with BCA and SGBC.

The SBCC accounts for the upfront carbon of materials used. Carbon emission factors in the SBCC are adapted to reflect the carbon footprint of projects in Singapore’s context. The Calculator takes into account Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) from various Program Operators, as well as the latest green assessment methodologies. In addition, it applies Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) to fill in the gaps. As the first of its kind, the emission factors aggregated and calculated are localised to the Singapore context.

The SBCC allows sustainability consultants and Green Mark Accredited Professionals (GMAP) to account for the embodied carbon footprint of projects for use under the BCA’s Code for Environmental Sustainability of Buildings (Edition 4.0) and the Green Mark 2021 Whole Life Carbon section. It also provides the Singapore built environment industry with a unified, free-to-use tool to make informed decisions on material and product selections.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Singapore Building Carbon Calculator is designed to improve the ease of accounting and tabulating upfront carbon in accordance with the Building and Construction Authority’s Green Mark 2021.

The Singapore Building Carbon Calculator is currently in beta. Basic security features are in place for the safekeeping of your data. Please check with your project team regarding inputting project values into the calculator. We advise against inputting confidential and sensitive data. Note that no personal data is required or collected during registration or log-in.

The Singapore Building Carbon Calculator takes into account Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) from various Program Operators and relevant Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs). The backend data is localized to Singapore’s built environment context. The calculator is supported by the Building & Construction Authority (BCA) and Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC), and is in accordance with Singapore’s Green Mark 2021. On top of that, it’s free!

The emission factors are tabulated based on the pre-determined global median derived from the data obtained from Environment Product Declarations (EPDs) in the material database or industry accepted databases. The Calculator also follows the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ISO 14040/14044 standards which are the recognised industrial standards for the benchmarking of the environmental impacts of a building life cycle.